Creative P10 wird nicht erscheinen


Viele News heute:
Creative Europe setzt weiter auf Nividia, weil:

ultimately the commercial realities of doing business with P10 in the desktop space were looking riskier in that even any performance lead would be short term and pricing would be under pressure from day one as NVIDIA and ATI try to deliver one another a fatal blow. Against this backdrop and in order to maintain our retail dominance in Europe we elected to continue working with NVIDIA.

und warum verkauft Creative nicht die Radeon 9700???

Firstly and most importantly is the fact that over the years the hardware has been advancing faster than software. I think 9700 Pro takes this to a new level where the hardware is DX9 but the API has not even been released (let alone any software). So what are you buying with the 9700 Pro? For sure it is faster than Ti4600 but there is no app that requires the “power overhead” that 9700 Pro has (i.e. Ti4600 runs 1600x1200 with everything on so all additional power is overhead). You could argue that Doom III is the app that will unleash this power but by then NV30 will be out and the balance of power will have changed again. So buying a 9700 Pro will give you the best 3D Mark score for 3 months but nothing else … and that’s a shame because as I said its an awesome piece of hardware.

da ist was dran, oder?

der ganze text:



ich bin zufrieden mit meiner 4400er, die wird mindestens wieder 12 monate reichen :laughing: